
I have the key right here officer but I'm not about to leave this cell...

Oh shit! For anyone who is interested in games and on the internet you have probably by now learned that E3 is getting downgraded or something. Well paint me yellow and call me supersonic if I'm not over the fucking moon about it! As much as I love to download shaky-cam videos of fat Americans saying "So like so like so like totally awesome" (we don't have the proper internet in Britain so we have to save everything to VHS) I couldn't give a monkeys about E3. Here are this years highlights as I have observed them... 1) Reggie Sans Amie telling everyone how to play a fucking Zelda game. Oh really, the big button? Mental. 2) Over 200 hours of FMV sequences for sequels to popular games giving absolutely no insight into what the actual game may look like or how it plays. 3) More Sony lies, but the new Motorstorm video was pretty amazing. Not since MGS on the playstation has terrain been so realistially modelled in real time! Those footprints in the snow were a

Oh dear! 2

6Gun 2 - Developer - BattleBorne Entertainment Ahahahahahahaha Avalon - Developer - Climax Studios Ahahahhahhah Dark Sector - Developer - Digital Extreme Ahhhhahahahahahahaha The Darkness - Developer - Starbreeze Studios Ahahahahahahahahaha Devil May Cry 4 - Developer - Capcom Aha. What? Seriously........ EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - Developer - EA Chicago Ahahahahaha Eyedentify - Developer - TBA Ahahahahahaha Fifth Phantom Saga - Developer - Sonic Team Ahahahahaha Final Fantasy PS3 - Developer - Square Enix Ah. What? No way. LIES Sony LIES Formula One PS3 - Developer - Developer - SCE Studios Liverpool Ahahahahahahahahaha The Getaway PS3 - Developer - SCE Studios Soho Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha Heavenly Sword - Developer - Ninja Theory WOOT!! I-8 - Developer - Insomniac Games Ahahahahahahahah Infraworld - Developer - Quantic Dream Ahahahaahahhahahha Killing Day - Developer -

OhMiBod - Really?

Yet another weird sextoy add-on for the iPod . Is there really a market for this type of thing? Does timing of music really make a difference? Do Apple endorse this sort of thing? Do we have a female That Guys reader to review this? Do we have a female That Guys reader? Wait... I had a thought... If Lily Allen bought this and listened to herself whilst using it is that not like Self-Gay-Cybaaa Version 2.o? Either that or she can go fuck herself.

Technically Speaking

We love video games (or computer games as they are known). Be they epic sprawling adventures such as Ed Federmeyer's Haunted Maze or pick up and play wonders such as World of Warcraft. The hardware developers sometimes go out of their way to enable us to play all our old favourites on the newest generation so we don't have to own all the previous generations in order to pwn some classics. OR do they? Let's take a look at how Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo regularly shaft gamers for more cash. Sony Sony is hard to keep track of, especially with the PS3 lies which, have been covered here and elsewhere. Nonetheless, here are some golden oldies... PS1 Games - You can play all your PS1 games on the PS2, which is great but you do have to use your old Playstation1 Memory Cards in order to save games, which, are rapidly becoming an E-bay acquisition. Multitaps. Sony stiffed everyone when the other two ports for controllers magically dissappeared from the PS2 a similar thing seems to

Game developers are Pussies

To highlight the meaningless analysis of video games from people who claim to be gay, feminist, humanist, masculinists, journalists we have compiled a list comparing game developers and producers to female genitalia. It is about as relevant. Rockstar The Rockstar vagina would be huge but look a bit grubby if you looked in detail. Also everyone you know has played it Midway The controls aren't in the book, they are impossible to control and not even the fucking developers know how the fucking thing works. But if you bought the game for £5 you can't complain Capcom Absolutely top quality! But then a bit like vagina you've had before other times. Ed Federmeyer They would be simple to play, hard to master and wouldn't smell like a Chinese fish market in the morning in the morning. EA The EA vagina would be like a hysterectomy vagina, fun to play but ultimately pointless. Blizzard It would be massive, but the gays would have trouble getting in. (It woul

Summer News Round Up

Well it had to end but Autumn is upon us (it rained yesterday), this summer has been unusually rife with exciting news. Normally, summers are long and boring on the games front with dribbling pieces of crap news like another Armoured Core game announced and Nintendo releasing a new edition of one of their consoles. Here's the summer round up: Leeroy Jenkins Video "fake" Nintendo Revolution to be renamed Games are art Girls play games! Child-killer once played Ridge Racer Games make you fat PS3 launch date brought forwards to three weeks ago Blizzard bans heterosexuals for inherent un-PCness Take Two sued for Grand Theft Auto London WoW expected to "take off" says lesbian programmer who did the letterboxes in Paperboy Another rubbish "media culture" author spends four years in second life promoting a free version of a very boring book with a shit cover Tekken 6 looking great Sega ends the Dreamcast Half Life 2 disappoints again RE4 "quite good"

Thanks for Playing

This weekend I had two longish train journey's and a lot of waiting time so naturally the DS got a lot of love. Desperately trying to complete some of the games 100% for the Big List I ended up completing Sonic Rush with Blaze and Sonic (need to get the Zone 7 Emerald which is fiendishly hard), beating Resident Evil Deadly Silence, again as well as completing a number of Mario Kart DS Grand Prix. What I was stupidly happy about is that each of these games comes up with a message after the credits. Thanks for Playing (MKDS), Thanks for playing Congratulations (SR) and Wow what a tough guy (REDS). Now whether I just haven't been busting a lot of games recently or whether games have stopped saying Thanks for Playing! I don't know but it seems like ages since I've seen that. In fact if I was to go on EDGE online I would set up a thread on "When did games stop saying Thanks for Playing?". I would then have to post the first response "Fuck off prick"


...So this is post 100 and in order to celebrate the That Guy's crew, friends both old and new got together in WoW. Here is a log of the latter part of the evening. This post is by no means too long and not at all too hard to follow - Cunzy1 1 says - No, but you haven’t seen the Krabby’s! Richie laughs at Cunzy1 1 Quadbee says - I don’t get it…? Robisgay says - I always wondered what the beginning of that joke was Cunzy1 1 says - I kind of made it up Cunzy1 1 says - So the weather? Chuff_72 says - What up fools! Dr.Wo 69 snickers at Cunzy1 1. Chuff_72 blinks at Dr.Wo 69. Richie laughs at Chuff_72 Quadbee blinks at Cunzy1 1 Cunzy1 1 says - …….. Richie smirks slyly at Chuff_72. Quadbee says - So, lets go on a raid? Robisgay says - You want to go on a raid? Surely we should just hang around here. WoW is a platform not a game Robisgay says - Self-Gheye Dr.Wo 69 says - Gheye. Cunzy1 1 says - Homophobes Chuff_72 says - Gheyes Chuff_72 says - Homophobes Richie says - Homophobes Quadb

"FCUK me 4 GOLD"

Right well, as you know I play WoW, and I am also a fan of playing later at night so that I can do some solo farming/questing without as many geeks hounding me for Help/Gold/Water/Food. But the downside is that, if you pay a visit to any of the Major Cities, the freaks are out looking for Cybaaaar etc. I have been approached to cyber someone for Gold (freaky WoW prostitute) and frequently I have seen on General Chat things like, Female Gnome Looking for BF . As I stated before I find this sort of stuff sad. I think it is inevitable though, due to WoW being a “Full-time” game as such RL doesn’t get much of a look in, and well people need their “releases”. Now to make things sadder, I stumbled across this site Now I want to do something funny so I have registered my Character. Now what I want the reader of that guys to do is suggest a few answers for the following questions: What do you do for fun? Favorite things? Whats the last thing you read? Personally I was hoping for more questi

Kids are better at it...

Ummm, apparently americans pay money for kids to teach them how to use their Joysticks: Weirdos

Guy Cocker, Cocks Guys

Yeah so GameSpot are giving a Kodos shout out to Scottish Game show videoGaiden. and Guy Cocker's interviewing. Not interesting really, short of the fact that Guy Cocker is the interviewer, and that he has a funny name. So I suppose i should pad this post out a bit. hmmm Oh yeah. videoGaiden is Scottish and is better than all other video game shows out there, apart from Games master, but then that of course had Dominic Diamond, again Scottish. Are we seeing a theme here people? Here it is in leet speak. Scotland pwns The English Scotland > The English etc.

Whose axe were you grinding?

Whilst digging through bumph for the Big List I found this image. Ahh! The Sims. Here are some of my favourite images from the street I used to have. If I were to name some of the images like episodes of Friends , I would call them: The one where everyone burned up because there were no exits or furniture only fireworks machines. The other one where everyone burned up because there were no exits or furniture just fireworks machines. The one with the baby. The one when social services took the baby away. The one with the sad clown (HATE that sad clown). The one with death. The one where death takes Mary Jr. The one where the neighbour soiled the leopard skin in the toilet. The one with the zombies. The one where the neighbour was caught red handed. The other one with the fire. The one where the firefighters turned up a smidgen too late. DISCLAIMER If you found any of today’s post offensive, immature, sexist, racist, homophobic, heterophobic, xenophobic, not to your liking, not


Yeah, but definitely Would though. P.S This is sooo borind. UPDATE: She looked much better in the old picture. A lot less Chyna.

Xbox 360: How to kill and dispose of a baby.

As most people know friends/family can really eat into your game playing time, and none more so than kids. Xbox 360s are now including the below h andy guide, printed on every plastic bag, on how to dispose of those pesky kids. As you are recycling the bag its good for the environment too!

Oh dear!

We here at That Guy's have been working on a project to compile a big list of all the games we have to see how many of them we have completed awarding half a point for completing the game on normal settings and another half point for completing secondary objectives like unlockables, multiplayer skins, medals, 100% etc. There are over 150 games so far, and growing, but at the moment there are only a handful of games with the completed whole 1 point so morally these are the games we can rant about because we've played them through. Now, here's the Science/Sad (as if this project wasn't sad enough already) part, these are the games... Call of Duty 2, Colony Wars Red Sun, Def Jam Fight for NY, Fahrenheit, Grand Theft Auto III, ICO, Jurassic Park Warpath, Lego Star Wars, Mario 64, NHL 2001, Nightmare Creatures, Pokemon Colosseum, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Star Wars Battlefront, Timesplitters 2 and Tomb Raider 2. There are some pretty big ones missing from that list an

Destroy the techno union chips!

We love lists still. Today, what qualifies as something like the sixth list today: Excuses people use for playing games other than to fill up recharge times between masturbation: 1) To improve hand-eye co-ordination ( Presumably for imporved masturbation) 2) To find true love ( = Porn you can touch i.e Masturbation vessel) 3) To learn a different language, although I am suspicious of such claims I have learnt Chargement, Caricamento, Ladt, Laden and Cargando and Falso Crash (thanks Crash Team Racing) 4) To socialise with family online ( To cyber your sister/brother and not get charged) 5) To experience things you couldn't in real life ( ok ) 6) To experience being another gender ( To self-gay masturbate over your very own night elf doing a sexy dance) 7) To have fun ( ok ) Also as everyone and their dog has "discovered" Girls play games, therefore, girls play games during recharge times between masturbation, therefore all Girl gamers masturbate. Now t

The History of Games

This is not a history of games. If you want a history of games and games machines go to Wikipedia or something, this is a rant about “serious” games books, not novellisations or fan fictions (even though Barry x Chris or William Birkin x Yuna fan fics are great). Pick up any serious book about games and somewhere there will be a history section. It’s a rule laid down by publishers. If you want to write a serious games book it either has to be a history of games or the first three quarters of the book has to be about the history of games and it goes like this: 1) Write something about Egyptians playing games. 2) Write something about Babbage. 3) Write 1500000 pages on computers that look like this even though only two people in the world ever had one and they cost $168933 at the time . 4) Write three chapters on Pong including the fact that Pong. wasn't even the first game but write three chapters on it anyway. 5) Write two more chapters on Space Invaders. 6) Write epic

Last Post- The Burning Question

Ummmm I have to do a post because I'll be damned If I'm leaving the blog overnight with a fucking DBZ/Naruto post. After this weekend's SUPER FUN I decided to ask myself the question "Do people play computer games for fun anymore?" After 5 minutes on google I came to the following deeply pertinent, objective and empirical conclusions about why people play games other than to play games: 1) To wait around in an MMORPG, sometimes for days, to be called gay/ghey/gheye and then rush off to all the vegetarian forums to whinge about it. 2) To wait around in an MMORPG, sometimes for days, to be called dyke and then rush off to all the feminist forums to whinge about it. 3) To call other people gay/ghey/gheye/dyke 4) To write a games blog because their life is otherwise so vacuous that without the ability to copy and paste Wonderland links each post would read: Mood: Depressed (lonely) Listeing to: REM Everybody Hurts 5) To stand around the hub in MMORPG asking

I am a nice person to know. Know Me. Know my Game. Muthabitch: Jill

Next up in Resident Evil: 101 we have Jill Valentine. Jill is a veteran to the Resident Evil series. She started off in the first Resident evil co-starting with Chris “I need two inventory spaces just for my penis” Redfield, and her performance dominated the series even to this day. However what many people don’t know is how Jill became an Elite member of S.T.A.R.S: Jill, unlike Claire, came from a sensible house and grew up with loving parents and her brother Vincent. Although the family was close Jill has lost touch with Vincent, he moved to Midgar a few years ago and has recently “sold-out” to cater for emo-twat-game-fans. Jill started out in life unlocking things, anything she could get her hands on Doors, and… umm Locks. She then attended Lock school, excelling in all of her classes, she them moved on to Lock University where she studied for her “MLock” giving her the official title of “Master of Unlocking”. Jill, realising that the money wasn’t great in the Unlocking Indus

Stadium D.O.N.

As promised here is the review for Stadium DON! The game is essentially Super Smash Bros with Shone n Jump Characters, and it works really well, the novelty of the crossover doesn’t seem to wear off. The only downside to this game is that the game is an import and therefore mostly in Japanese as such a few of the “Missions” before certain fight are unreadable and as such results in a “Mission Failed!” at the end of the matches… Damn. If you have any clue as to who these characters are: Then buy it! 9.6/10 - Fucking awesome It loses 0.4% due to it being in Japanese. Here’s some bonus Vids: Start End

That Guy's a Maniac Con 2006

What started out as one night gaming turned out to be a three day bonanza of hardcore gaming and retro-insulting. For those of you who missed it here are the highlights: Venue: Fatty Bunter's Institute of Electromedia, Dr.Wo's Laboratory Games Played: Dog's Life, Bomberman World, Micro Machines V3, Micromachines V4, Guitar HEro, Freedom Fighters, Quake 2, Shaolin, Jumping Flash!, Sonic Rush, Animal Crossing Wild World, Sensible Soccer, Burnout Revenge, Fight Night Round 3, Smuggler's Run Warzones and Forbidden Siren 2 (far too scary, danm demo time outs). Oh my god we were having so much fun we didn't even touch Haunted Maze.... amazing Highlights: Chuff_72 creaming at Bomberman World as Ninja Bomberman although he did insist on constantly playing his favourite level over and over again as well as wearing fake thumb nails for half of the weekend, Mo yer 4 (AKA Witch Bomberman) despite a shaky start on Quake 2 and Bomberman went on to rule the roost as

Before UK:R do it.

Look new frag dolls: And in a UK:R sylee: Wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't,wouldn 't, would but only in Yuna cosplay. N.B. That's USA Frag Dolls which Is why they could all at least pass for dog's dinner.

I am a nice person to know. Know Me. Know my Game. Muthabitch

Right so as you may have noticed this site is quite Resident Evil orientated. I decided its time for our readers which are less Resident Evil-literate to be come more aware of the people/characters/friends/sex objects in it. First up we have Claire Redfield. Claire Redfield made her first appearance in Resident Evil 2. Claire who was currently on a 72 hour fuckathon during her spring break gets a call from her brother Chris who was desperately looking for some weed, as he had used up all his “Green Herbs”, “Blue Herbs”, “Brown Herbs” and even his Precious “Red Herbs”. Thankfully the guys that she was receiving Dry Entry Anal Justice from were dealers. She promptly dismounted, grabbed a nearby gun, killed all 4 of them, cleaned up, grabbed the weed, and then stole their motorcycle (Claire was always the black sheep pf the Redfield family, dabbling in drugs, anal sex, and Killing the undead from a young age). Claire arrives late at night in Raccoon City, where she attempts to go e

Cheerleaders are dancers that have gone retarded

We love lists! Today- 10 disabled characters in computer games! We realise that in light of the DDA disability has been extended to, quite rightly, cover forms of disability that extend beyond the physical, for example, following the new act financial disability has for the first time been considered to be a formal disability. God knows we've all been playing RPGs and been disabled in this way, forced to fight generic blue bad guy for hours on end to get enough gil/rupees whatever to buy a slightly better sword or some much needed potions. But todays post is about celebrating virtual physical disabilities in characters. 1) Captain Ed Shivers- Timesplitters Future Perfect 2) Voldo- Soulblade etc. 3) Con Smith- Killer 7 4) Cloud Strife- Final Fantasy 7 5) Dr. Richard Keller- Half Life 6) Darth Vader- All the star wars games (Most) 7) Bentley- Sly 2 8) Jax- Mortal Kombat 9) Harman Smith- Killer 7 10) Badass Cyborg- Timesplitters 1,2 & 3 Disclaimer for Americans- I

Game based on the movie based on the blog based on the Games that define our lives.

Geez I leave for a few days and all Hell(bound Angels) breaks loose. But hey good news: That Guys has finally been picked up by the people that matter, for a game that will actually matter! Spoiler alert: So far we can disclose the following information: Controls: A-Jump B-Spin C-Spin and Jump X - Primary fire. O - Cross Triange - Double jump Square - "homofobic" RP-PvE insult. L1 - Slide Tackle L2 - Secondary Fire R1 - Throw Grenade R2 - Grappling hook L3 - Dive R3 - Become undead and play from the Zombies poit of view. Select - Map Z- Accelerate Levels: That Guy's: The official game of the official movie will feature revolutionary new level design including: An Ice level . It will be all white and a bit slidy and you die if you fall in the water because it is so cold. Expect penguins and polar bears as well as an Xtreme snowbaording section. A Fire level. Set in a volcano there will be lava and boulders galore! A Warehouse level. This leve

Chuff_72 Speaks!

WoW two guest writers in one week. Chuff and I were discussing the next lot of games to come out. I was lamenting that out of all of them I honestly only fancy bout two of them. CHuff_72 then posted this back. Which seemed to raise some very good points: "I don't know, I think I'm a little more excited than you about some of the new stuff coming out, my tastes change all the time and I think I'm becoming less demanding in the face of the reality that nothing will ever be as good as you hope it will, the sheer possibilites that the power of the new consoles will have on the games I love already is quite exciting. I love sequals, seriously I just don't understand why people moan about them all the time, I can't wait for the new Conflict game, or Dynasty, or TimeSplitters, what will those games look like? To be honest I don't mind if they're shinier but more, I like the way all those games play, if I want something more progressive then I'll but Mass E

Chris and the other S.T.A.R.S....

Members tried to warn us, but no-one believed them. After that all this staarted to happen. If you have a riff with people wanna bust, break out before you get bumrushed at the (Wild Wild West) when I roll into the (Wild Wild West) when I stroll into the (Wild Wild West) when I bounce into the (Wild Wild West) Sisqo, Sisqo we going straight to the Wild Wild West we going straight to the Wild Wild West now, now, now, now once upon a time in the west mad man lost his damn mind in the west loveless, givin up a dime, nothin' less........................

RE: Buttal

We here at That Guy’s are like a family. A weird family, I grant you, but a family nonetheless. There’s nothing I like more than writing stuff that they’ll comment on or even find entertaining counter-culture to the "YAY" games blogs that SATURATE the internet. 95% of them are utter drivel and not worth the time it takes to click a link to get there. What times we have had. The time that Chuff_72 chose the "no" option on the age verification screen on Thrill Kill . The time that Dr Wo 69 woke up from a catatonic stupor to answer the question "What is the administrative centre for Derbyshire?" On Who wants to be a millionaire? and then promptly fell back to sleep (the answer is Matlock btw). The times that Quadbee would beat us on Rally Cross even when he had the worst car. The time that Monfuche threw the pad on the floor and ran in to the bathroom because Silent Hill was too scary, didn’t even pause the game, her fear was that great. We don’t write it f


Richie hasn't been posting because I fired him for writing homoerotic reviews about games that he fancies the male protagonist in. So in the meantime guest writer Marvin Branagh from Resdient Evil 2 will be helping out here. Take it away Marvin....... "You must be the new guy Leon right? Sorry but it looks like your party has been cancelled. Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down and I liked to take a minute just sit right thereI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air in west Philadelphia born and raised on the playground was where I spent most of my days chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin some b-ball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good startin makin trouble in my neighborhood I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared she said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in bel Air' I begged and pleaded with her day after day but she

Read .............

This and try not to come. I hate viral blog referencing but I couldn't just rewrite or steal the article from 8 day old Wired News. That would be bad. Anyway if you've already come a click to far to reach this page basically Final Fantasy characters will be unlockable in Mario Hoops for the DS. Great news huh? No because a) It's Mario fucking hoops, why on earth is mario playing basketball? and b) Apart from moogle and cactuar the characters mentioned so far are generic Black Mage, Ninja and White Mage which are a bit pants and a bit too much Final Fantasy 11 for my liking if you know what I mean? Are Square-Enix that retarded? If you own Cloud, Squall, Yuna, Tifa etc.etc.etc. why on earth aren't you putting them in the game? Unless you secretly know that it will be a shit game and are waiting for the That Guy's Game . In which case we accept but with the following stipulations; Tifa is always naked. That's it OK? Phone us tomorrow and we'll finalise every

Deadwina- 10 reasons

TO STAY AT HOME AND PLAY COMPUTER GAMES (With your mates is best but meh!) Well it appears that videogames may be the subject of yet another witch hunt because parents are doing a shit job of looking after their children. Do not worry though if you are in fear that you are addicted to computer games then carry on gaming because if you live a "normal" life this may happen to you... 1) Stabbed on a bus for no reason whatsoever. 2) Stabbed on a bus for standing up for your girlfriend. 3) Shot by the police for no reason whatsoever. 4) Blown up by terrorists (see 9/11 or 7/7 etc.) 5) Raped 6) Get HIV from nutters who are your girlfriend 7) Beaten to death for having your phone in the pub 8) Shot in a drive by 9) Attacked by Chavs because you were there 10) Get run over by a cunt So you see it's the cunts/chavs/neds/townies/terrorists/nutters that run the show now. It used to be the case of wrong place wrong time but now its' just wrong time. So yeah, go out if you