
We got carried away with LEGO

Yes we (I) did. If it's all part of LEGO's masterplan to get 20 somethings who grew up with lego to use their now disposable income to buy more LEGO after their Dad threw away all the original old LEGO whilst they we were away at "university" then it is working. Here's the story: I picked up a copy of Lego Star Wars II the other day. It was cheap in Morrisons and it was kind of my birthday (in a few days anyway) so I thought I would treat myself. I have the original one and seeing as we're not proper gamers here at Thatgirls anymore (thanks Giant Lego Hamstring Enemy) I wanted something to play to make me feel like I was being an accomplished gamer. Spontaneous review based on the first four levels: It's good. What you expect although the cantina could be more populated, especially with the old save characters. Also, it would have been nice to walk around the hub as your custom character but whatever it has multiplayer without having to go online,

Dead Fantasy

Watch: And watch some more: Now sit back, slightly hollow inside, knowing that you will probably never see anything more awesome in your life ever.

We got a letter

So what? We get lots of letters. But this one was written properly and all thought out and stuff so it would be rude not to reply no? Plus it was from a girl. Catherine Martin writes to thatguys: Do games have a moral obligation to be politically sensitive? In recent months we have seen a handful of games clumsily attempt a politically savvy narative and blunder into every stereotypical pitfall they could. Now, however, games are about to breach an almost untouched setting: Africa. Both Far Cry 2 and Resident Evil 5 have chosen this setting as an environment in which to destroy countless hordes of digital natives. More importantly, however, their plots are likely to involve the distribution and flow of medicines in the area. Here I am making a slightly educated guess about the plot of Resident Evil 5, but the evil drug company Umbrella and its infamous T-virus are bound to crop up somewhere. These are controversial and current issues surrounding the African nations as warlords illegall


Listen. Learn.

Play RE4 again?

Played it on the Gamecube: Check. Played it on the PS2: Check. Played it on the Wii: Check. Played it on the 360... Nope, looks like I have some cheevos to get this time round... As great as all this is... Where is my RE2 remake? P.S. This is possibly an April fools photoshop, but I don't think it is that unlikely.

Epilating is the new black

Check those pits! Cammy is the choice of the axillophiles! Take note, Evangeline Lilly, Mohinder, and all you other HD TV wonders that don't believe in a proper skin care routine.

Warning: new term approaching…

I’m coining it here, right now, mark this day, it’s “Blog Artist”. Now this doesn’t mean some dude that creates “art” (graphics) for a blog. It is the art of blogging. One who has blogging to a fine art. I considered shortening this to Blogists, or artiloggers however this cheapens the quality to which blog artists aspire too. The best way to define this new class of bloggers is to use analogy to rock pop culture: Rockers, can dress the part, listen to all the music, and quote trivia on their favourite bands. However to be considered an Artiste you mush have talent and create. May I introduce to you the first two Blog artists ever: Richie! Cunzy11 Luv n Hugs.

Quick Question...

“Hey Richie, you know how you were bigging up Devil may cry 4, and even managed to get it early? How come you only have 3 Cheevements and are only at mission 8?” Good question. And to be honest it’s a culmination of many things: Firstly my X-box was constantly Dirty Disking the game, I was getting 15 mins of playtime, and was reduced to saving after each red orb. This has now been rectified as I have upgraded to an X-box elite. Secondly Katamari has been a big hit, don’t get me wrong I still <3 Dante, but that Katamari rolling game is stupidly fun to play as each level is timed, most of them being around 2 mins. As such I got 450 cheevements from some “casual” gaming. And lastly*… and the main point of my post. I think I approached Devil may cry from completely the wrong angle, I found myself desperately struggling to work out the most efficient achievement based route through the game, trying to make my first playthrough as fruitful as possible… Gamerscore-whore. I’m far from an ep

Remember the Irish

So Google is telling me it is St. Patrick's day either today, yesterday, tomorrow or this week sometime. St. Patrick's day is a day when the English get excited because for the lower classes it's an excuse to get special on Guinness and vomit on a car because we're not allowed to celebrate St.George's day because any kind of patriotism is racist these days. So in honour we're going to remember some of our favourite Irish gamers: 1) Keith "no saves" Blarney Ne'er before or since Keith "no saves" has the world experienced a gamer so committed to busting games without saving. One time we were interviewing Keith at PAX and he ate a GBA in rage because someone was auto- saving in the booth next to him. Alas, Keith passed away in 2005 after four days straight of playing GTA San Andreas. He leaves behind a widow, two children and an unused PlayStation Memory Card we imagine he received from a well intending Grandma one Christmas. 2) Kieran

We* know** someone*** famous****

What with being listed as an "industry link" over on RAMRAIDER and now knowing** the top Geometry Wars Galaxy player in the world surely this is the year of the maniac. And look!, Games Media Awards people, no ads so perhaps we should win the Best Commercial Non-Commercial Commercial Website Or Blog this year yeah? Yeah? Then we can finally give up our jobs packing battery chickens and write posts about Resident Evil full time! So without further ado, congratulations to DR Hamhock MD who by now must have been signed by Nintendo and is currently developing a Dr Hamhock limited edition Wiimote holder and/or DS stylus for mass release. Well done, you made it son*****, you made it. * By we I mean me. Cunzy1 1. Richie left the blog about two years ago and since then I've been dressing up as her and doing posts about dildonics and naruto. That was until Claire interrupted me when I had the Richie wig on and was posing in the mirror talking in a Scottish accent. I went

WAR Screenie competition

Yeah I made a post! But I hid it all the way back in time if you can believe it! This is the screenshot competition for my friends I lost to WAR . The competition was simple, submit some screenshots of WAR that include the usual MMORPG silly elements such as 'chicken', 'sheep', 'awful clipping' or dinosaurs. You, know the shots the company would never use to promote the game itself. The competition lasts as long as I say it does. Currently we have three submissions, the artists names have been changed to hide their real identities. 1) 'Horned Squig' by Wowcansuckmyballs The first submission and the most thoughtful it screams realism and I think the artist intended it as a criticism of the tuna and sweetcorn sandwich combination. 200 points . 2) "Still life" by I'msowhackyIputjaminmyshoes This submission truly captures the lonely nature of MMORPGs 24.5 points 3) DINOSAURS BY AWESOME DUDE And you still wonder why people lo

Ode to medipack (Vagina)*

Medipack or is it Medi-pack? You make no sense How do you work? You save my life often but you could never work in real life Medipack or is it Medi-Pack? Sometimes you have a red cross Sometimes green Sometimes you come in three sizes but surely it would be better for everyone if you just came in large size Medipack or is it Medi-Pack? Sometimes you are a potion Sometimes you are a herb Sometimes you are a food stuff like milk or apples Medipack what is in you to give life? To cure all wounds by merely standing on you Or sometimes going into the inventory and selecting "use" Is it majicks? I think it is. *In my travels in Hoenn I wrote this ode as a sister ode to the classic An Ode to Spuddy . I was inspired by studying the Clamperl on Route 124.

Position Vacant: AGAIN!

Cunzy is involved in some covert-ops deep in the heart of the Hoenn region. as such... Position - Guest Writer We at are currently recruiting new and original talent to "Audition" for the post of contributor. Job Description The role is varied but mostly involves ranting in written form. Where possible, throw in Video game, Resident evil, anime, Final Fantasy, and sexual references. Skills Required - Semi-literate in English. Recommended - Strong background in Resident Evil. - Hatred for gamer blogs. - No concept of teamwork. Starting March 1st 2008 onwards Position Based In Front of your PC Pay Rate Non-existent Please mail an article with subject of your choosing to . Articles can range from 1 - 5,000 words, pictures are optional. The favoured articles will be printed and will go down in Thatguys history for all to remember. Laters... Richie X

Mario Kart

Ugh Nintendo... what the fucking fuck are you thinking!! 1. The wheel is retarded!!! honestly, I'm annoyed it ships with it, more crap to fill up my house, I'll put it next to * the limited edition 360 art booklets, PS2 guitar, Nintendoscope, and Halo 3. 2. Mario Kart Wii... Well that's an original name... How ever did you come up with it! 3. Here is where I'm supposed to bitch about voice chat or communication online , but I ain't gonna, I don't care. When I played the first Mario Kart on the SNES I was merely a fresh faces adolescent. then I moved onto the N64 and got Mario Kart 64, and then the Gamecube and Mario Kart: Double Dash. Now I'm in my mid/late 20's and my friends and I have been known to break out double dash, 64 and the original SNES version have a few battles, Grand Prix's etc. My point is, the addition of the wheel is for kids... Mario Kart's fan base is mostly people around my age, and it should cater for them. In fac

Under the Radar

Woah! The game based on Lost (360/PC/PS3) is out at the end of this week. When did that happen? Last I heard about it was that it was being made... and now it's being released. From what I have seen it looks pretty snazzy, though it doesn't have the original voice cast, which may end up being quite jarring. The reviews have all been quite positive. Still can't believe this one escaped me... Also due out this week: Lost Oddesey (Note: Pre-order this bad-boy from HMV ) Beautiful Katamari Bye bye Paycheck -.- Laters, Richie X

Front Magazine's Steve Beech: An Interview

Hey all, After getting really excited about Front Magazine's great work on the Devil May Cry Images, we decided to get some input from the great minds behind these genius works of art! So we spoke with Front magazine's Art Director: Steve Beech Where did the idea for replacing Dante and Nero with a female model come from? Well, we were approached by the lovely people at Capcom after they saw a similar project we did for Call of Duty 4 and they just asked so nicely we couldn’t say no. Are you a fan of the Devil May Cry series? To be honest I am not a big gamer (although a lot of the staff here are) even though I have worked on a few gaming titles in the past, but I generally like the whole look of the game as I love Manga films and thought that I could get that energy across with the lovely Vikki Blows. What do you think of Devil May Cry 4? I think it looks like a really slick game, and the graphics and artwork kick ass. Are you an Xbox 360 man or a PS3 man? I pl

Devil May Cry 4: Bestest. Cosplay. Ever.

Wewt!! more Devil may cry 4 images, apparently the model is called Vikki Blows (Classy). The entire staff at Thatguys wish to cordially invite you to take our hand in marriage. We take it back Kotaku... you provided us with this image, you aren't all bad. Except for the silly fish on the bewbs, what's going on there? Luv n Hugs Richie X

George Romero vs. Capcom. The company line

Kotaku reports here and here that The MKR Group, who hold the rights to George Romero films, is suing Capcom for similarities between Dead Rising and Dawn of The Dead. This is a sad day indeed, hopefully Capcom will come up trumps but I have my doubts and so do all our buddies at Capcom HQ who as we speak are burning all their production notes, we managed to photocopy some of them before they were destroyed. But fear not! Either way Capcom wins! If the law suit fails then hopefully Capcom will make infinity more Dead Risings set in malls. If the law suit is a success then Capcom can successfully sue any bastard who makes a game or film that includes the following: Bad voice acting and zombies Zombies Elephants Zombie Sharks Zombie Crocodiles Zombies in a Zoo Zombies in a mansion Zombies in a police station Zombies in Arklay mountains Zombies on a train Zombies on an underground train Zombies on a tram Zombies on an island Zombies in a military facility Zombie dog

Devil May Cry 4: Best. Cosplay. Ever.

Seth over at the Capcom blog has found some real gems! Front Magazine has done some rather original photo shoots involving the DMC characters but with (semi-naked) girls instead! The magazine will be published on 1st March with all the pics, including some nudey ones!!! will be all over this, expect some NSFW post in the near future. Kudos Front, Kudos... laters, Richie X

Films are the new games!

Yes they are. Remember when everyone was all about the "yes games are art, yes they make you cry". Who ever cried at a game? The nearest I came to crying was when Richie and I were two-TV, no save, speed running Resident Evil 2 and I died at the end boss. Damn, now I'm welling up again just thinking about it. However, there is a new platform of media that makes people cry. I give you: Pokemon the first movie. Watch it and cry* like a girl unless you are so heartless. Cold and heartless heathen . *Not gay crying you understand. Fake allergy crying. We've all got them right? Right?

Tomato Juice and Black Umbrella

Sup maniacs? We were at GDC and we've had precious little blogging time so here's a brief catch up in the form of a numbered list: 1) The Guiness World Records: Gamer's Edition is now out (already reduced by 33% in many shops) and it is worth picking up in the future when it is somewhere around the £5 mark. Packed with a lot of tenuous records and inaccuracies but it's worth ignoring the blindingly obvious mistakes (Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 are not PlayStation2 games, why didn't anyone consult us?) to discover some lesser known gaming related gems. So for example, did you know that David Lynch directed the PS2 'Third Place' adverts? Or that the PSOne could connect to a number of Sony mobile phones? I don't know what they could do when they were connected but you could do it. In Japan. 2) Both myself and Richie have had our IPs banned from the Resident Evil Wiki for trying to add the articles "Jill Sammich" and "That G

Web 3.60

You know what has been bothering me for a while? Aside from the gradual decline of our ecosystem and natural resources.... Why doesn't the 360 have a web browser? I mean its connected to the net, it has that controller addon-keyboardy-thing. surely just getting Internet Explorer (or even Opera god-forbid) on there, wouldn't be the craziest idea. 360 browser Pros: 1. Online sign ups for clans. 2. Youtube. 3. on your 360. 4. Email with background notifications. 5. Direct links in-game to Gamer sites for 360 content. 6. Achievement points. ( Achievement Unlocked : You looked at porn 10 Gamer Points) ( Achievement Unlocked : You looked at Nintendo's website 0 Gamer points) 7. Online Rankings without going in-game. 8. Settling IMDb arguments. 9. Xbox live bandwidth could be transferred to different sites/hosts. reducing the lag on XBLA. 10. Porn. Luv n' hugs. Richie xxx

Racoon City Times

On our trails through the blogosphere we stumbled upon this site: Racoon City Times . Of course straight away we were amused to see another Resident evil themed blog. Immediately, of course, we at TGAM chuckled at the glaringly obvious typo of "Raccoon" but with only one "C". As no strangers to tyops ourselves, we decided to overlook this and check out the content. As we are a games blog we shall review this blog in a games review style. When you first start Racoon City Times there are a few things that strike you: The site is black, blatantly a rip-off of the old TGAM layout, even down to the font. The Silent hill Banner gets you confused as to what message this blogger is sending is it a resident evil site, is it a Silent hill site. And finally if you are going to use an obscure off-topic banner, at least try to make it fit the rest of your blog. The Racoon City Times name conjures up images of a news report site from with in Resident evil, perhaps even a them

Common Ground

Today marks an important day in the world of bloggers, Today TGAM and UK:R * have found a jpg which we could both Fap-off to, a common ground to spill our seed on. Resident Evil meets Sonic! *For those of you who dont know, UK:R is a lesser known video games blog, they are like us, but not quite as funny, and rather than being obsessed with Resident evil, they are obsessed with Sonic (ghey). Luv n Hugs, Richie XX

Resident Evil: Competition

Yay! A resident evil post. Been a while... This time annoyingly its a non-canon film related post. This Monday marks the release of the third resident evil movie. In celebration of this, the UK website has a competition where you train up your Zombie in anticipation of "Alice" charging in and killing all the Zombies, the last one standing will win home theatre kits and copies of the movie on DVD and BluRay. There are 2 things you can do to train your Zombie: 1. Feed - increases your strength. 2. Keep Fit - increases your agility. Though one does counter the other, if you feed, your agility goes down, and if you keep fit, you Strength goes down, so in theory a balanced Zombie will have 50% Strength and 50% Agility. I have no idea what the most beneficial stats would be. in anycase Monday 9 am Alice gets let loose. Good luck and Laters. Richie xxx

That Guys is now a blind cave salamander!

Yes it is. Five points if you can get the reference.

On the 1st day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 1st day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Doing things in the wrong order. Much like the order of these posts, is it a countdown? Like the twelve days of Xmas… is it and advent calendar? Who knows. But yeah doing things in the wrong order. All of the missions in Devil May cry can be played completely out of order… I don’t know how many of you out there have actually done this, but I always forget what order the missions occur in and find that I just try my best choose the missions with bosses. This is the last in the series of the Days of Dante-mas. Next Devil May Cry you hear from us will be a review or rantings. Check out all the posts here. Anyways, I’m cutting this post short as I have better things to do… i.e. play DMC4, I got it early… One of the perks of being in the games industry. YAAAS Laters, Richie X

Apple Valentines?

So Apple are releasing a 32GB version of the iPod touch... Just in time for Valentines day. Fuck spending £329 on your partner!! Seriously!! and that tag line... "A little touch of romance." Who ever came up with that needs dragged out in to the street and their throat slit . I would like to suggest "Like most Apple fans you will spent most of Valentines day touching yourself." Ugh.

On the 2nd day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Richie: Today on this 2nd day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: NOT THIS FUCKING IMAGE!!! Cunzy: It's wrong. Just wrong. Richie: Someone clearly wasn't paying attention to Devil May Cry 3. Cunzy: Someone clearly never played Devil May Cry 3. Richie: Shit man, maybe this is the super secret ending on hard. Cunzy: You're right. Sorry, SPOILERS everyone. Richie: Why would someone do this? Cunzy: Imagine getting up in the morning with the intent of creating that image. Richie: I love Deviant Art though. It's like a mind reading website. Cunzy: I'm all like, you know what I haven't seen but would like to see? Two half demon brothers from that game series I played about to get it on. Richie: I want them to be looking into each others eyes longingly. Cunzy: BINGO! Deviant art delivers every time. Richie: Art galleries would be filled with shit like this if it wasn't for any kind of quality control. Cunzy: Thank the lord for those art QC

Brain Training Racist

Brain Training is racist against people who can't speak english properly . The BBC has the "story". And although we don't like to point any fingers if you can't say "Blue" then you shouldn't hope too much for your brain age or expect much from society at large really. Next week on the BBC: Employers racist against people who are not fit to do the job they are at interview for. Milk racist to people who can't drink milk because they are allergic or lactose intolerant. Sky racist against people who cannot fly. Video games racist against people who are not very good at video games. Touch screens racist against people who have no physical body through which to touch. Life saving medical surgery procedures racist against the dead and extinct. BBC racist against intelligent people who don't like lazy journalism churned out sensationalist shit.

On the 3rd day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 3rd day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Bosses! One of the most appealing parts of the game is the boss characters. Huge and amazingly detailed enemies with the usual patterns to interpret and counter. In the DMC series most of the boss characters take the form of huge mythical beasts such as Cerberus, Beowulf (a Behemoth of some sort, not Ray Winstone) or a Griffon. Though I have always found that humanoid bosses are always the scariest. Neo Angelo, Vergil, Lady etc. For those of you who downloaded the demo, you have seen that you can play against one of the boss characters, a big horsey fire demon with a big sword. And the fight is so fucking pretty, I'm glad to see that the bosses haven't changed that much . Laters, Richie X

On the 4th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 4th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Cameos This has been touched upon in another post from Cunzy. Dante has appeared in: Viewtiful Joe: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: He also, showed up in Capcom Fighting Jam, and has a card in SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter. But the biggest kick to the crotch is… and get this… he was supposed to turn up in Soul Calibur 3!!! Well fingers crossed for Soul Calibur IV… Can you imagine it Darth Vader Vs Dante… I would pay good money to see ol’ silver hair kick the crap out of faggy Annie Skywalker and his pod-racing, virgin-birth, Portman-loving ways. Laters, Richie X

On the 5th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 5th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Shooting guns in mid-air and thus defying gravity. Fucking brilliant hovering whilst firing off "Ebony and Ivory" so, so cool. Laters, Richie X

On the 6th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 6th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Vergil Vergil is an odd one… Dante’s twin brother. He’s one of the main antagonists of Devil May Cry 3, he also gets to be a playable character in the special edition. But crazily enough this dude is also a sub-boss in the first Devil May Cry. This doesn’t sit that well with me: Vergil Starts off in DMC with a Katana then gets ubered-out and starts using a big-ass two handed sword… I suppose it shouldn’t vex me that much, Dante does use a guitar… Laters, Richie X

On the 7th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 7th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Nevan Nevan? Nevan is the name of one of the weapons you can get in Devil May Cry 3. And it’s a guitar, and honest to god guitar! The guitar changes into a scythe, it has lightning and shoots fucking bats… I mean seriously that is fucking amazing… Nuff said. Laters, Richie X

We should aspire to a life of shoes and/or willies

This opinion piece [via kotaku ] by a Kay Hymowitz claims that men these days are getting stuck in some kind of adolescent kidulthood and whilst all women are going off travelling, shopping and having dinner with friends, us lads (to be fair the author only mentions single American men) are sitting around, drinking, playing on the Xbox 360 and generally having too much fun! Why are we mentioning some obscure piece of opinion from Dallas news of all places? Because it brings gamers into potential disrepute and as gamers we have to shout longest and loudest to show that we aren't the immature dregs of society that the rest of the world likes to stereotype. In addition it also attacks men so there's ample opportunity for all us men to pretend to be offended and call "sexism!" even though we don't really care. So, to the article. In the first instance, Kay Hymowitz hints that 1965 men at our age would have achieved a lot more by the age of 26. Stable job, marrie

On the 8th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 8th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: DMC2 -.- Hmmm, the game isn’t that bad in fact the “game” is good but all of the trimmings were just wrong. Reasons this game was bad: 1. Lucia disk. Exactly the same as Dante’s playthrough no variety no… substance. Certainly no RE2 Claire and Leon situation. 2. Sponsored by Diesel. Nice idea, worst costumes. 3. Dante was not cool. He said nothing and was just “Emo may Cry” all the way through it. 4. Harder modes were not harder. Just longer. It took ages to kill enemies as they all had Devil Triggers too. 5. Camera angles. The DMC camera system is almost as identifiable as Dante nowadays but it was a little flawed in DMC2 as Dante could get further and further away until he was a tiny spec on the screen. Flawed. But very few of these things actually took away from the game, all of the required, power-ups, level-ups and slashy-shooty great fighty-ness was in there. Game if they had sorted out the

On the 9th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 9th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Laydeez In each of the devil may cry titles there has always been a key female character, more often than not jonesing for Dante… We have seen, Trish, Lucia and Lady ( See above for DMC4 Trish and Lady!) in the past games. In DMC4 there is certainly a new female… Fingers X-ed it’s a female… otherwise I might have been a but self-ghey :S Laters,

On the 10th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

Today on this 10th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Heroes or Villains with premature greying. I dunno what it is that causes antagonists and protagonists to go grey so early in their lives, I suppose in Dante’s case you can blame it on his demon heritage, and well Vergil (his brother) and Nero both have this silver hair. And of course we have all seen Sephiroth and his long flowing locks of silver hair. So… Where does this come from it clearly is something of Japanese origin perhaps based on Japanese history along side those Giant enemy Crabs? Let’s look at what could possible cause this: 1. What is the scientific reason for people to go grey? The change in hair colour is caused by the gradual decrease of pigmentation that occurs when melanin ceases to be produced in the hair root and new hairs grow in without pigment. The stem cells at the base of hair follicles are responsible for producing melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. The

On the 11th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us…

In honour of DMC4 coming out in 11 days I have decided that I shall be posting every day with something Devil May Cry or Capcom related. Today on this 11th day of Dante-mas, Capcom gave to us: Guns and Swords. It doesn’t happen nearly as much as it should in video games a main character with guns and swords. Yeah you have Squall/Leon from Final Fantasy VIII and Kingdom Hearts (1 and 2) respectively, but that was an RPG you didn’t really get the freedom to shoot and slash everything in site. And most 3rd person games usually just supplement swords with magic. Laters, Richie

1 year.

Right well Today is now 1 year old, I know some may argue that we are actually older than that, but it has been 1 year since we got the domain name. And we had to do a lot to get it too! I had to bare-fist-fight through legions of the undead, and Cunzy… well lets just say he's never been able to sit down properly since then. Image from the formidable Way of the Rodent who's award ceremony we sadly missed :( . To be honest we are all amazed that we have lasted this long! and we are very curious to know who actually looks at us?!?! Although to be fair "lasting this long" really only requires that we keep updating the site. We would like to thank all of you that have supported Thatguys in the last year, we hope that you will continue to support us too! We had an amazing year, we won a BAFTA for our ritings and we raised over £250,000 for a non-existing charity. We slagged of a bunch of people we thought would be petty enough to come down here