

Yeah, but definitely Would though. P.S This is sooo borind. UPDATE: She looked much better in the old picture. A lot less Chyna.

Xbox 360: How to kill and dispose of a baby.

As most people know friends/family can really eat into your game playing time, and none more so than kids. Xbox 360s are now including the below h andy guide, printed on every plastic bag, on how to dispose of those pesky kids. As you are recycling the bag its good for the environment too!

Oh dear!

We here at That Guy's have been working on a project to compile a big list of all the games we have to see how many of them we have completed awarding half a point for completing the game on normal settings and another half point for completing secondary objectives like unlockables, multiplayer skins, medals, 100% etc. There are over 150 games so far, and growing, but at the moment there are only a handful of games with the completed whole 1 point so morally these are the games we can rant about because we've played them through. Now, here's the Science/Sad (as if this project wasn't sad enough already) part, these are the games... Call of Duty 2, Colony Wars Red Sun, Def Jam Fight for NY, Fahrenheit, Grand Theft Auto III, ICO, Jurassic Park Warpath, Lego Star Wars, Mario 64, NHL 2001, Nightmare Creatures, Pokemon Colosseum, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Star Wars Battlefront, Timesplitters 2 and Tomb Raider 2. There are some pretty big ones missing from that list an

Destroy the techno union chips!

We love lists still. Today, what qualifies as something like the sixth list today: Excuses people use for playing games other than to fill up recharge times between masturbation: 1) To improve hand-eye co-ordination ( Presumably for imporved masturbation) 2) To find true love ( = Porn you can touch i.e Masturbation vessel) 3) To learn a different language, although I am suspicious of such claims I have learnt Chargement, Caricamento, Ladt, Laden and Cargando and Falso Crash (thanks Crash Team Racing) 4) To socialise with family online ( To cyber your sister/brother and not get charged) 5) To experience things you couldn't in real life ( ok ) 6) To experience being another gender ( To self-gay masturbate over your very own night elf doing a sexy dance) 7) To have fun ( ok ) Also as everyone and their dog has "discovered" Girls play games, therefore, girls play games during recharge times between masturbation, therefore all Girl gamers masturbate. Now t

The History of Games

This is not a history of games. If you want a history of games and games machines go to Wikipedia or something, this is a rant about “serious” games books, not novellisations or fan fictions (even though Barry x Chris or William Birkin x Yuna fan fics are great). Pick up any serious book about games and somewhere there will be a history section. It’s a rule laid down by publishers. If you want to write a serious games book it either has to be a history of games or the first three quarters of the book has to be about the history of games and it goes like this: 1) Write something about Egyptians playing games. 2) Write something about Babbage. 3) Write 1500000 pages on computers that look like this even though only two people in the world ever had one and they cost $168933 at the time . 4) Write three chapters on Pong including the fact that Pong. wasn't even the first game but write three chapters on it anyway. 5) Write two more chapters on Space Invaders. 6) Write epic

Last Post- The Burning Question

Ummmm I have to do a post because I'll be damned If I'm leaving the blog overnight with a fucking DBZ/Naruto post. After this weekend's SUPER FUN I decided to ask myself the question "Do people play computer games for fun anymore?" After 5 minutes on google I came to the following deeply pertinent, objective and empirical conclusions about why people play games other than to play games: 1) To wait around in an MMORPG, sometimes for days, to be called gay/ghey/gheye and then rush off to all the vegetarian forums to whinge about it. 2) To wait around in an MMORPG, sometimes for days, to be called dyke and then rush off to all the feminist forums to whinge about it. 3) To call other people gay/ghey/gheye/dyke 4) To write a games blog because their life is otherwise so vacuous that without the ability to copy and paste Wonderland links each post would read: Mood: Depressed (lonely) Listeing to: REM Everybody Hurts 5) To stand around the hub in MMORPG asking

I am a nice person to know. Know Me. Know my Game. Muthabitch: Jill

Next up in Resident Evil: 101 we have Jill Valentine. Jill is a veteran to the Resident Evil series. She started off in the first Resident evil co-starting with Chris “I need two inventory spaces just for my penis” Redfield, and her performance dominated the series even to this day. However what many people don’t know is how Jill became an Elite member of S.T.A.R.S: Jill, unlike Claire, came from a sensible house and grew up with loving parents and her brother Vincent. Although the family was close Jill has lost touch with Vincent, he moved to Midgar a few years ago and has recently “sold-out” to cater for emo-twat-game-fans. Jill started out in life unlocking things, anything she could get her hands on Doors, and… umm Locks. She then attended Lock school, excelling in all of her classes, she them moved on to Lock University where she studied for her “MLock” giving her the official title of “Master of Unlocking”. Jill, realising that the money wasn’t great in the Unlocking Indus