An Announcement and An Introduction

In October last year the TGAM board of directors met to discuss how Second Greatest Video Game Blog On The Internet, That Guy's a Maniac (TGAM) was performing. We've listened to our consumers and things are going to change around here. First off, there's going to be no more features that we startand don't finish (like TGAM top 50 ultimate TGAM top games best list of best games of all time ever, Unit of the Month or That guy's Interviews) also we've listened to you and what you want is more Resident Evil coverage. We are called That Guy's A Maniac and should honour that legacy. So we'll be seeing some changes around here. Changes we think you will both like. Also, stakeholders have been complaining that TGAM is a it of a sausage fest when we aren't pretending to be women and we need to be covering video games from the female perspective a bit more Which brings me neatly onto OUR BRAND NEW FEATURE:

Yes, we know we don't keep you updated on the latest games news by simply repasting all the news that has already been posted all over the Internet so we're going to launch a new Internet exclusive, reflections on the latest video game news from our NPC reporter on the ground. Say hello to the latest addition to team TGAM, Alcamoth Citizen. She's a sassy bird lady who will be reflecting on the latest news from inside popular Wii game Xenoblade Chronicles in our new feature called ALCAMOTH CITIZEN SAYS. Do you have any thoughts about joining the team here?

I'm sure he did! That Internet friends is what we call an exclusive. You heard it here first. The first of many changes the team here are bringing to you Today and Tomorrow Channel.


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