
You know what I miss?

I miss Darkstalkers. Darkstalkers was Capcom's risqué monster beat-em-up. It was always 2D and featured some rather fun unique and crazy characters. I don't wanna go into too much detail as I have a link to a much better site explaining it all, suffice it I'm all nostalgic about it and gutted I cant play it (unless I buy a PSP and a copy of a crap rendition of it) So how about some pictures of the birds from the games: First up we have Felicia, she's half woman-half cat [Enter pussy joke here] Next up we have Morrigan, look she's part bat, part woman and has big tits, we love Morrigan here at That guys, she's special. Gotta love that look in her eye Finally we have Lilith she's similar to Morrigan but has smaller tits, and frequently is seen pictured with Morrigan in erotic pseudo-lesbian poses. She even has a catchy one lines (Note: Hope this isn't Chris's blood) Anyways check out this link here for a full and comprehensiv

Reasons Japanese people are Mental #267

Pokemon Noodles... 1. Note that those noodles depict some of the newer pokemon, therefore combining Spoilers and Food for the first time ever in videogame history! 2. Do the Noodles actually contain real pokemon, if so... would you? I mean look at the cute little faces... 3. Do Grass-Type Pokemon count as meat? 4. It has to be alright, I swear I saw Ash eating a burger in the cartoon, that has to have come from a Miltank or a Tauros. 5. Pikachu is technically an electric-rat, Rat meat? Would you? 6. What type is the brown pikachu with the clouds over it? Has to be a flying-type of some kind.

World of Wankcraft!

Dragonball MMO Oh my God I ' m Drowning in my own ejaculate (tastes funky). x

No reason to buy a PS3

If you had asked me a week ago, "Do you want to get a PS3?". Despite Cunzy's AIDs analogy I would have said, "maybe" for only a few reasons: 1. The controller. I have no idea where people get off mocking the PS3 controller, as far as I can see, it is nothing but an improvement on the "best-controller-ever" for the PS2. This time it has no wires, and is motion sensitive. The lack of a rumble pack, killed me slightly inside, but apparently that has been sorted. Whatever company was suing them about it had lost. (You may have heard rumours that the rumble pack was not included due to the Motion sensor affecting it, this was "Sony Lies" , well not really, it does affect the motion sensor they are gonna include an on/off switch for the rumble feature letting the user decide whether or not they want this feature.) 2. It's the PS3. It seems that everyone has become quite jaded towards this word, despite all the worry and the excessive costs

Sony has the all-clear

It's true. Once tainted with the gay disease sony has gone into remission and is now clear of dirty bum disease (DBD). What prompts this contentious message you ask? Well looks like the PS3's Home may well destroy or at least take the limelight from Second Life. Check it . Although I don't agree that this will be the case it's a step in the right direction. All of those clammy handed Second Lifers who are currently complaining that Second Life has become "too commercial" or "too popular" will be the same Second Lifers who will be in Second Life the day they switch the servers off. Unlucky San Fransicians, looks like everyone else has copied your idea and they'll be doing it better anytime soon. Some SLers have fought back by saying that "platforms" or dare I say it "multiverses" that are too popular will be filled with griefers and teenagers who "don't play in the spirit of the game". Better that than a bunch o

Guardian Games Blog In Shameless News Stealing Scam

It's true readers. Check their post on Friday the 10th of March . Now check our post on the 8th of March . You know reader/Richie it's this kind of stuff that makes me sick. We work really hard here at TGAM to bring you cutting edge reviews and news about videogames and then Guardian Games Blog steal our news and our readers. Look at all their comments! The only reason we don't get comments is because TGAM is blocked by almost every filter imaginable. If you are reading this reader, then I'm afraid we are a dwindling minority. The Germans will come and find us here any day soon. UNTIL THEN- We will be emailing Guardian Games Blog every two days with the following email: Dear Guardian GamesBlog Remove all of your posts and delete your blog or we will be forced to reveal the mediocrity of your blog to the world at large by linking to you from the World's Second Greatest Videogame Blog, That Guy's a Maniac. If this were to happen the millions of people that would v

Second Zzzzzzzzzz

Avatars. We love them and upcoming releases like Spore and LittleBigPlanet fill us with excitement. Customising avatars is fun. It's even better when you play against, or with, someone else. They're funny things. Some people are happy with understatement and can fully relate to a man in white underpants and black boots. Other people go crazy to get as far away as possible from the classic humanoid avatar. Here at TGAM we've been making avatars since V-Rally 2. O k, so you could only enter your name and it would appear on the license plate of the car but that little difference made the game so much more fun. Next, was probably Quake 2 which would let you enter your name and choose a colour. Again, not a massive jump but it made a difference. For me WWF Smackdown 2 was the next big milestone. We went crazy creating our avatars and I still remember my character Zombie1 1, who for a while was dressed exactly the same as Ash Ketchum from the pokemon series albeit he was a 6f