

Singing the Resident Evil 2 script in L337 to the Buffy the VAmpire Slayer Musical soundtrack on your ipod whilst roleplaying Magic: the Gathering in Yuna cosplay and wearing Nintendo Boxershorts with Advent Children in the background on the TV.

Top Ten

Richie's top ten hottest video game characters: 1) Sherry- RE2 2) Rikku- FFX (not FFX-2 ) 3) Ash Ketchum 4) Aeris (whilst she is dead, but still warm) 5) Young Lara Croft- Tomb Raider Legend & Chronicles 6) Cloud (During wheelchair sequence) 7) Little Cloud (During flashback sequence) 8) Little Aeris (During flashback sequence) 9) Marlene- FFVII 10) Nemesis- RE3 Dude. That is just wrong (except 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9). Sicko


Richie was asking about gay characters in computer games the other day. I wasn't I was watching straight porn, driving my massive 6 litre-4 cylinder-8 diameter alloyed car to play a sport whilst opening really tight jars for women. However are there any? Other than Tara and Willow in the Buffy games. There are a lot of trannys and this seems to be ok with the Japanese and the Federation-of-American-Mothers-for-the-purification-of-filth-on-all-types-of-media-god-that-bastard-father-of-your-is-working-late-at-the-office-again. However, bona-fide out there gay characters seem to be a no-no. How about an aggressive gay beat'm'up character who says "Show me the Butt" when he wins? There are the gay guys in vice city who walk around saying lyrics from YMCA (I presume they are gay. My American friend tells me that they all wear blue Hawaian Shirts and have ginger hair). There is also Squall who passes up the chance to tap Quistis to spend it moping around saying ..... to

A crap review i did for Soul Calibur 3

I did this a while ago, I was trying to be impartial, but instead I pretty much explain the whole game… Soulcalibur 3: Changing the face of Fighting Back in 1996 - The Spice Girls were on their Global Domination, the Prodigy were starting fires, Jim Carrey was sorting Ferris Bueller’s Cable TV, and Channel 4 was our last salvage for late night Manga. Some of us were also surfing the glorious learning curve of a game called Soul Blade on the Playstation. Soul Blade (Namco) when released was often referred to as Tekken with swords, and to a certain extent “they” were correct as many of the mechanics integral to the Tekken series were translated to this game. However Soul Blade mixed these Tekken Mechanics with Stunning Character designs, breathtaking visuals, a music score (which offered a remix option) worthy of carrying round on your Discman, and on top of all that the characters had big wooshy Swords! The Soul Blade/Soulcalibur series is now going into its 10th year, th

Forgive Me Father for I have sinned

I have a confession to make. Richie lost a game of Guitar Hero to a girl. No shame there you might say! But he actually plays the guitar. And he is a "boy".

Cocks purr

Decided to research whether this stupidly named Alcohol had a site or not, and it fucking does! However the site doesnt work: Aparrently being 76 is too young to view the site... Well done Cocks(pur).

Londonage Part 3

Step 3. Drink Alcohol. Right so, Arrived in London , found a place to stay, now its time to DRINK. We proceed to the nearest alcohol shop and set ourselves the challenge of drinking the funniest sounding alcohol we can find… We end up with “Cockspur”, which immediately conjures up images of some kind of old-west penis piercings. We then line up the shot glasses (all 2 of them), shove on Super smash brothers Melee, and play a variety of Drinking games: Every time we loose, take a shot. Every time we win, take a shot. Every time Richie makes us loose, take a shot. Every time Cunzy11 is the last man standing, take a shot. Every time you breathe, take a shot. Etc. Now this was around the time we realised the old curve of peak games playing vs. drunkenness. There is definitely an optimal drunken state where it enhances your gameplay, however this state is hard to pin-point due to, well… being drunk. However I’m sure we will make a concerned effort in the future to find this p