

Once you green light using negative stereotypes to convey message there is no going back. TGAM strikes back against this ridiculous facade. Spot the difference!

If I told you to hum the Route 209 would you get it right?

Here at TGAM it is well documented that we are fans of the Pokémon series of games. Massive fans. Huge. There are literally not enough words in this sentence to even scratch the surface of the thousands of words , hundreds of articles , thoughts , webcomics, fan fiction, sillyness, nerd rages and forum comments that we've made in the past about Nintendo's Marmite monster catching game (actually there are. There are enough words. Too many if truth be told). But what we never explained is that for the last 13 years we've been playing the game that revolves around trading and fighting Pokémon with opponents in a total vacuum. We've spent days worth of hours training up Pokémon that have never been tested against a single real live opponent. So not only is the whole activity all a bit sad, geeky, weird, embarrassing in social situations, something we should have grown out of/never got into in the first place, not meant for us, a grind, a w

Next Step, the Wiibrator.

Ok so Again I'm shamelessly stealing from Kotaku. These are images from a patented Nintendo Peripheral which is an inflatable pillow, designed for "horse racing" games, oh yeah! You know what, fuck it, I'll leave this to your own imagination, you filthy, filthy people. Yours Equestrianly, Richie XXX

Wanker of the Week

falahda 10 Aug 09, 1:17am A thirty-eight year old Nintendo player can't really claim the high ground from which to criticize lightsaber phones, Charlton. From over on the Guardian website. It explains itself really. And she is an Anthropologist. And 37. And female. And American.

Namco Bandi might be the new Capcom.

I don't mean like Pac-Man or other scheisse like that I mean some of their recent additions to the 360 and maybe some of the Wii titles, though one of the greatest things about the Namco Bandai games is how pretty they are, So I wouldn't recommend playing them on the underpowered inbred cousin of the next gen consoles. I just had a look at some of the games I games I have, and I noticed that I have too many Namco Bandai titles and they are pretty much my favourites. Beautiful Katamari Yeah you all know it, the little green dude that collect things till they get bigger and bigger. As much as I'm put of by all the twats out there with their knitted Katamari hats to put on their cats, the game is still fun. Though A reskin would be nice. Soulcalibur IV Swords, boobs and Jedis... I think I have talked enough about this previously. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja & Naruto: Broken Bonds Meh, good games, great fighting, great animation, but most folks

New SI Unit approaching!

In the past humanity has got by with descriptions of the passing of time using the seconds, minutes, hours etc. units of time measurement. However, today TGAM is proud to launch a new unit for the measurement of time. It is the TTECNK . Which stands for Time it Takes the Escapist to Copy News from Kotaku. It is pronounced Time it Takes the Escapist to Copy News from Kotaku and is the standard measurement of time it takes writers at the Escapist to copy and paste news articles which Kotaku stole from around the web and to publish them. It is equivalent to 'about six hours' in the previous units used to measure time. Here's some tips on how to use the new unit in conversation: "I haven't seen you in three TTECNK s" "It was a short game it only took me a TTECNK " "She only lasted for 1/20th of a TTECNK before climaxing. And to think I'd waited 2920 TTECNK s for it" That is all.

Let's do more with the Wiimote

Okay kids. Wiimote has been around for quite a while and using it to waggle has been a staple use of it so far. Let's just say the pulse sensor thing hasn't exactly set us alight and wii motion plus is a bit of a rip off. ANy avid Wii gamer will now have a wii wheel, zapper, other attachments and wii speak. All of which work with one maybe two games. Either way by now every Wii owner has four wiimotes. Why don't games do some more creative things with them? You want free ideas here's some: 1) FPS and on-rail shooters. So we've had Red Steel, House of the Dead Overkill and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. They were fun but why insist on pressing the d-pad to change weapon? Players should be able to map wiimotes 1-4 to different weapons. Want to change from pistol to shotgun? Just drop wiimote one and point wiimote 3 in a wii zapper at the screen. Voila! The shotgun pops up. It disappoints me that FPS on the Wii haven't done the popping up gun affect i

Horrid person

If you are here you have clicked on a horrible weblink. Whilst you are here, think about your mother and the thing you just clicked on. Would she be happy she raised you, her son/daughter, so you could click on some filthy filth filth. Of all the content on the internet, the greatest thoughts on the whole range of human activity and the best you can manage is looking up "Sonic Upskirt" or some such. Be ashamed. Be so ashamed or just go to deviant art.

Sacred 2: What the fucking fuck is wrong with you?

In my recent spat to play through as many Couch co-op games as I can get my hands on, I came across this little doosey: Never heard of it? Nah me neither. It seems to have gone completely under the radar. Hell I never heard of Sacred 1, but hey it was a PC only release, so why should we care?Anyways after scouring the internet for information regarding this title I found out a few things: it is essentially a Diablo clone, It has six "pre-rolled" classes And they are pretty funky actually: First we have the Seraphim, Some kinna Demi-gods with Pigtails and Kiss make up. Dryad: Cornrows and Areolaec Breats plate, She's apparently a long range fighter, using bows and blowguns, sexeh. High Elf: Ugh elves are everywhere, even in this game, scantily clad as he may be I guess she's kinna the glas cannon caster class. Inquisitor AKA Generic man in hood, looks caster-ish too. Undead Warrior dude with a twist of Roman about him which is nice consi

Little Big Planet and Spore revisited

So.... Spore. Guess we were right about that one then. Anyone still playing it? Anyone at all? No. Told you so. Little Big Planet. Team TGAM doesn't own a PS3 for a number of reasons, the one we most like to pretend is true is because we have standards. The real excuse is that the fucker is still too expensive and there still aren't anywhere near enough decent games to justify a purchase. Anyway, if we did have one I would probably get LBP because I like creating shit in games like gay little designs for Animal Crossing, Crap Levels in Timesplitters or Miis that look like Charles Darwin. We do have some friends (21 to be exact). And some of those friends own a PS3 (12) they aren't gamers in the classic sense. They are normal people with cars and houses and the like. They don't obsess over games or write 2 and a bit games blogs. Aside from dusty copies of Resistance they all own LBP and without exception: 1) Haven't even tried to make their own levels. So


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Noooooooooooooooooooooo

Because some things are worth re-posting

Taken from the folks over at Kotaku who we like to abuse, and also from our rival Thatgirls , who we are green with envy about getting onto Kotaku yet again. But on the upside a while back we did kill Day/Night note. You can thank us later. Enjoy the pic. We did. fourteen times and counting. Pika-ah-ah-ah-ah-chooooooooooooooooo Richie X

Abuse on Xbox Live


Dear TGAM....

This is yet another first in a 'probably not going to get past two series of posts' series here at TGAM. It seems that a lot of people stumble upon TGAM by typing filthy questions into search engines. They then stay for an average of 00:00 to 00:01 seconds before going elsewhere, questions unanswered. It seems that nobody has heard of GAMEfaqs, fucking idiots. Well we're here to help you. An agony aunt for the depraved youth of today who don't know how to do searches properly. So this will be a weekly surgery to answer those burning questions that many of you think we can't answer here at TGAM: 1)Every week about a thousand people look for Sheva Nude, Sheva's panties, nude, nude code, nude mods, naked, nude patch, naked cheat, Sheva's ass and combinations of all of the above. The full cheat is here but you're better off just creaming off a hot one over at deviant art. 2) List of dinosaur games. You can cobble together most of them by visitin

Never go full retard.

Here's a little insight into the world of video games journalism. We've all thought about doing it but no journo with integrity would ever go through with it. Hell, we flew pretty close to the wind one time but we pulled out at the last minute. However, Owen Good at Kotaku has broken one of the golden rules of games journalism. It's so meta we just don't even know where to look or to start reading it from. Yes. Kotaku has lowered the community IQ by several hundred points by doing a top 5 list of other top ten lists . Click only if you are brave enough. Oh and Owen, don't forget some of the top tens we've had here over the years including: Cunzy1 1's Top Ten Non lethal Weapons in Video Games. Cunzys top 10 computer game characters he like to get screenshots/photos of cos-players of, so that he can get hard, as nothing else does it now. Top 5 Shit pokemon that are shit, but not quite as shit as the top 5 lamest pokemon that 1up posted: TGAM&

DANGER: Women in games. Part 2: The Revenge

So it’s been a while since we last decided to tackle the ongoing issue of the fairer sex grasping at the Joystick of the games industry and giving it a good old tug . Last time we touched on this subject we talked about the industries efforts to entice the female market, the vacant “hotties” keeping the guys interested in the industry, and most importantly painstakingly rendered, gorgeously rendered 3D boobies. Almost two years have passed since that last post, has the industry changed? Well it was this article , brought to my attention by Kotaku , which flared my dismay at the industry/humanity. It reads like an open letter to the gaming community proclaiming that girl gamers should be taken down from their pedestal, claiming that an entire gender is still having a hard time in the industry/gaming because of horny adolescent boys. I'm afraid that I have to go out on an attack on Dairuka, and perhaps TGN, this entire post was clearly written by a cuckolded-pantsu-sniffer

Omastar Comics #23

Today marks the return of the internationally adored fictional cephalopod, Omastar. Originally, Breloom was to star in her own comic. Breloom Comics? Would have never worked. This week Omastar is annoyed by giving away all the best secrets and getting none in return. Always the last to know. God. Just, just why do I even bother? The monologue in panel 3 was used in scene 2 of the popular film version of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Did I see a penny of royalties? Did I f..... In other gaming news: It is the onset of the summer drought so stack up on sun cream and go outside for a bit yar? It's Buddha burning time in England! I really want to see them flames people. Eidos, we'd be happy to give your new game 95/100, just send us a signed copy of the game to We read Brian Ashcraft's book! Much like our personal hero, the book was impersonal and missed the point but we forgive it because of its lovely flowing locks [hair]! Next week we're going

The joy of the Xbox 360

Yo' this weekend just gone was an ace geekend. One of the rare times when the 20 something crew can get together and pretend that we are 16 all over again. Playing games until the eyes hurt? Check. Laughing at fart noises? Check. Laughing so hard that milk comes out of a nostril? Check. Eating junk food caning your knees up sitting on the floor playing games? Check. Only one thing marred it and that was the Xbox 360. Consoles vs. PCs is an age old conflict but the latest generation of consoles have come leaps and bounds, caught up with PCs and carried on going. They have surpassed the PC experience altogether. Constant patch and update uploading, crashes, playing shit games just because they are free, rip off DLC and matchmaking wankybuggery can all be found on the 360 recreating the traditionally desk-based good times that can be found with a PC. This weekend the 360 insisted on crashing every half an hour. Poor performance considering it had only been on constantly for a m

Blinky bill and Breathy Bob

Call us turn around kings if you will but news of Shadow of Memories coming to the PSP has changed our hearts and our minds. We loved the 2001 original. It was brilliant. Perhaps third greatest game of all time. We still finished it with a bunch of weird objects left over but travelling through time in the sleepy streets blew our minds at the time*. *That and some special biscuits.

Ritin little stories about PC games is the new new games journalism

Enjoy it before it gets: a) derivative, b) covered by a ""cutting edge"" piece in the guardian TV guide c) Copycatted to death d) wedged into your Xbox 360 a la facebook and twitter in the place of some more useful kind of functionality like, finding the fucking game you've just inserted without negotiating 14 pages of trailers, all your friends' defaultly dressed snoozing avatars, advertising and Rare videos produced using a camera obscura and an etch a sketch.