
Oh shit. This is actually happening

THAT GUY’S A MANIAC: THE MOVIE Screenplay By Ray Cortana and Hugh V. Brown PART 1 EXT-SAN FRANCISCO 2026 An American high school of the future. Flying cars drop children off at school. Some of the children arrive by jetpack. The children are wearing androgynous silver boiler suits. Some of the children are playing sports in the background with “virtual” equipment. All of the buildings are covered in white plastic. A futuristic alarm sounds and the children run to class PART 2 INT- CLASSROOM Children enter the class room. LEON, a tall boy, sits down at his desk whilst chatting to SHARONA. MR. FREEMAN enters the classroom slamming the door behind him. The children go quiet. MR.FREEMAN writes “Digital culture 101” on the Holoboard using a futuristic Wii controller. He then writes “Resident Evil” and underlines it. MR.FREEMAN Okay, who can tell me about Resident Evil? LEON looks hesitant and raises his hand MR.FREEMAN Leon. Please enlighten your classmates LEON Resident Evil was a series o

Stupid fucking images

Broken all broken. I'll fix it soon though so don't worry. Can you believe it? On the upside though you can see all the alt text. As a really boring game you can guess what the images were from the text and see if you were right when it gets fixed! P.S. Don't forget to delete me when you are done.

That Guy's A Maniac- Women Gamers Magazine?

Fed up of the male-centric glut of gaming magazines featuring scantily clad women draped over the hood of an Xbox 360, That Guy's are launching a girl gaming magazine to cater for women who play video games and are proud of it. The first edition of the magazine, called Pads (working title), should be out Q4 this year. Here is a sneak preview of one of our articles: Are you and your non-gaming boyfriend compatible? Answer the following questions noting your answer then add up the points to find out if you and your non-gaming boyfriend/girlfriend are compatible: 1) You settle in for an evenings session on Burnout (your "clan" came over at the weekend and busted some of your top scores) and your boyfriend unexpectedly comes home early from working a late shift. You offer to turn the Playstation off, but he says he doesn't mind, he's tired anyway. Does he then: a. Sit with you asking questions about the game b. Sit down for five minutes huffing and puffing bef

Ha Ha! Charade you are..

Dear Mr Capcom, I am writing to inform you of a major error that I think your publishing department may have missed. Resident Evil 4 has been inappropriately named as it, indeed is not the fourth in the series. Without counting any of the gun survivor or Outbreak games there has been 6 major Resident Evil games. So for the sake of continuity we at would like you to arrange the games in the following manner: Resident Evil Zero. Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil. Resident Evil. Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil 2. RE: Code Veronica . Resident Evil 3. RE 3: Nemesis Resident Evil 4. Resident evil 4. Resident Evil 5. We would appreciate a worldwide recalling of all games/cartridges and re issuing of the games in a correct manner, Nooch n’ Hugs, That Guys P.S. Itchy, Tasty... P.P.S Do Resident Evil outbreak on the DS this time properly with the online working

Wait, Listen

A lot of people regard music in games quite highly. Personally I think that recently Music has gone downhill in games I know for a fact that I’m bored shitless with the WoW music, and the only good track in Oblivion is the opening track. You would think if games like these are willing to fork out for a fully orchestrated score they might as well get a decent fucking composer in! Now I’m sure we are all well versed with the classic theme tunes that stick in our head Mario, Sonic, Bubble Bobble, oh god Tetris. But what was the last epic score you heard on a game that you loved? That’s right Final fantasy VII, VIII IX and X. All done by a fucking awesome composer Nobuo Uematsu . But of course that’s all changed now FFXII does not have him as the composer. So what I’m pondering is will the game be just as good, does music have a factor with the gaming experience, or is it tacked on to fill the silence. When it comes to PC gaming thankfully we get the option to mute the sound and ru

Game Music Videos- Reviews

Hey y'all! As we are told by Microsoft that gaming is a lifestyle and not just sitting on your ass all day pretending you are a woman charged with the grand task of saving the universe by collecting rings/coins/pearls/gems or whatever. As such, I like to spend my non-gaming time talking about gaming, writing about gaming, listening to game theme tunes on my ipod with Dante stickers on it, reading about games or playing "house" with Vincent Valentine and Aeris (not Aerith) action figures. When I'm not doing that, I download GMVs, formerly lumped with AMVs until evanescence and the Naruto guys sued AMVs for over use of their IP. There are some monumentally shit ones out there, but here are some of my favourites. Why I am I reviewing them If I've already stated they are my favourites? Because I hate some of them but that's why I love them. "I'm An Asshole" - Halo Music Video with Denis Leary This imaginitively titled GMV is actually very good. The s

The Player 1 principle

I'm sure someone has written something about this somewhere else but hey! Who cares about them. Now, as much as everyone laments about online etiquette or lack thereof, there is also such a thing as offline etiquette. I don't mean treating NPCs nicely or anything, jeees that would be terrible. But this issue recently came to light when my good buddy and old skool CatchtheMonkeyandOtherGames B69 member, Robisgay and his lovely girlfriend moved into my house. You see, he plays games which is great but also terrible because the rules of offline etiquette don't tend to cover such situations very well. Let me explain: When playing multiplayer games, regardless of skill level or experience, your gaming chi is directly affected by which player you are. Player 1 Player 1 has excellent gaming chi, master of the menu screens and ideally placed in the top left corner of the screen in split screen games and on the left, from the start of the round, in beat 'em ups. Even in gam