
Pokemon Black and White EU release

Dated for 4th March 2011. The count down begins... Love and another 200+ hours of my life given to Gamefreak, Richie X

Preparing for Marvel Vs Capcom 3

1. Play Marvel vs Capcom 2 on XBLA. 2. Play Super Street fighter 4. 3. Buy Kleenex: Love and last minute gay jokes, Richie X

Operation Exodus COMPLETE!

See here for what this nonsense is about. Basically, I've successfully transferred 490 bits of code from one DS cart to another! Erm, yay me? Can't wait to do it all over again when Pokemon Black and White come out.....

PC Gaming Reader

I was on the continent for Christmas and when I wasn't dying I was pining for some gaming action. It was Christmas after all and for me Christmas just isn't Christmas without the family gathering around the yearly multiplayer game or gaming long into the night, freed from the constraints of early starts the next morning. Just after Christmas, the wife and I went into town. She spent shit loads of money on books ("they're for work") which normally gives me free reign to spunk some dough on a new game. The problem was nothing that I wanted was reasonably priced, what I did want and was probably reasonably priced wasn't stocked and even games that were just over reasonably priced and that I kind of wanted I was put off by the couloured triangle on the spine of the box ruining the gaming shelf ( Dead Space Extraction's yellow triangle already taunts me every time). I then spotted a copy of 1000 video games to play before you die but it was more expensive in

Questions for 2012...

In a future retrospective article.  We have decided to pose ourselves some questions to answer for 2012 Dear Cunzy11,  Did you... Finish Monster Hunter tri? Buy Pokemon White? Beat Richie with some cheaty pokemon in great pokemon clash 2011? Buy an HD console? Buy a 3DS like a gormless new tech adopting twat? Get past that bit on Alien Resurrection yet? Play a single XBLA, Virtual Console, Wiiware or PSN game? Dear Richie, Did you... Thousand any games this year? Play any games in the top 10 Metacritic scores this year? Buy Pokemon black? Resist WoW all year? Gold star every song on Rock Band 3 with every instrument? Play a single XBLA, Virtual Console, Wiiware or PSN game? Dear Games  Industry, Did you... Release the 3DS? Release No More Heroes for the 360? Announce the Next Blizzard MMO? release yet another in the Guitar Hero/RockBand Franchise? Announce a Kingdom Hears game that isn't on a mobile platform? Think that GTAV looks like badly drawn testicles? Announce another Conso

Back off the Smashwagon

544 trophies! 700 Stickers! I am still lacking an amount of trophies and 30 stickers. Really? Where are they all? Stupid cheaty Tabuu cheaty wing blast cheats boss battles dick.

That Guy's guide to gaming in 2011

Well,  2011 is upon us and by now we should be clearing up the last few achievements on the games we got over the festive period. And with them out of the way, what do we have to look forward to? Cue Music It's...  That Guy's guide to gaming in 2011! In no particular order: Dragon Age 2 (Multiple platforms) 11/03/11 Sequel to one of my Favourite RPG's, some snazzy new improvements to the combat, a much needed Graphic overhaul, and a brand new plot involving Morrigan's child someone called Hawke. And above all, some more money to spend on EA DLC! Lego Star Wars 3: Clone Wars (Multiple Platforms) 18/02/11 Well, not sure I care that much about this one, as much as the Lego games are consistent fun. The formula is a tad tired,  The last one I played was Lego Indiana Jones 2, which was thrashed pretty quickly.  I didn't really bother with Lego Harry Potter, and well... As much as I like Star Wars I never bothered with the clone wars cart