
Omastar comics #24

OCs fans may recognise this comic as Omastar Comics 11 but with a different last panel. This was the original ending to this comic but when we ran it past test audiences they reacted pretty negatively towards it even with the ace black sludge cameo. We agonised for hours over it but decided to cut it for the final release. This version accidentally slipped into our display at Comic Con last year and the feedback from the fans was overwhelmingly positive, which shows you should stick to your gut feeling. This is by far my favourite ending and as you can see with this original ending Omastar's comments in panel 2 now make more sense. In other gaming news: Left 4 Dead 2- Yeah but is it really any better than Resident Evil Outbreak file 2? Madden again- Which means that all the US gaming sites become boring and unintelligible for a month or two. Resident Evil 5- Still playing and loving it.


Once you green light using negative stereotypes to convey message there is no going back. TGAM strikes back against this ridiculous facade. Spot the difference!

If I told you to hum the Route 209 would you get it right?

Here at TGAM it is well documented that we are fans of the Pokémon series of games. Massive fans. Huge. There are literally not enough words in this sentence to even scratch the surface of the thousands of words , hundreds of articles , thoughts , webcomics, fan fiction, sillyness, nerd rages and forum comments that we've made in the past about Nintendo's Marmite monster catching game (actually there are. There are enough words. Too many if truth be told). But what we never explained is that for the last 13 years we've been playing the game that revolves around trading and fighting Pokémon with opponents in a total vacuum. We've spent days worth of hours training up Pokémon that have never been tested against a single real live opponent. So not only is the whole activity all a bit sad, geeky, weird, embarrassing in social situations, something we should have grown out of/never got into in the first place, not meant for us, a grind, a w

Next Step, the Wiibrator.

Ok so Again I'm shamelessly stealing from Kotaku. These are images from a patented Nintendo Peripheral which is an inflatable pillow, designed for "horse racing" games, oh yeah! You know what, fuck it, I'll leave this to your own imagination, you filthy, filthy people. Yours Equestrianly, Richie XXX

Wanker of the Week

falahda 10 Aug 09, 1:17am A thirty-eight year old Nintendo player can't really claim the high ground from which to criticize lightsaber phones, Charlton. From over on the Guardian website. It explains itself really. And she is an Anthropologist. And 37. And female. And American.

Namco Bandi might be the new Capcom.

I don't mean like Pac-Man or other scheisse like that I mean some of their recent additions to the 360 and maybe some of the Wii titles, though one of the greatest things about the Namco Bandai games is how pretty they are, So I wouldn't recommend playing them on the underpowered inbred cousin of the next gen consoles. I just had a look at some of the games I games I have, and I noticed that I have too many Namco Bandai titles and they are pretty much my favourites. Beautiful Katamari Yeah you all know it, the little green dude that collect things till they get bigger and bigger. As much as I'm put of by all the twats out there with their knitted Katamari hats to put on their cats, the game is still fun. Though A reskin would be nice. Soulcalibur IV Swords, boobs and Jedis... I think I have talked enough about this previously. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja & Naruto: Broken Bonds Meh, good games, great fighting, great animation, but most folks

New SI Unit approaching!

In the past humanity has got by with descriptions of the passing of time using the seconds, minutes, hours etc. units of time measurement. However, today TGAM is proud to launch a new unit for the measurement of time. It is the TTECNK . Which stands for Time it Takes the Escapist to Copy News from Kotaku. It is pronounced Time it Takes the Escapist to Copy News from Kotaku and is the standard measurement of time it takes writers at the Escapist to copy and paste news articles which Kotaku stole from around the web and to publish them. It is equivalent to 'about six hours' in the previous units used to measure time. Here's some tips on how to use the new unit in conversation: "I haven't seen you in three TTECNK s" "It was a short game it only took me a TTECNK " "She only lasted for 1/20th of a TTECNK before climaxing. And to think I'd waited 2920 TTECNK s for it" That is all.