
Let's do more with the Wiimote

Okay kids. Wiimote has been around for quite a while and using it to waggle has been a staple use of it so far. Let's just say the pulse sensor thing hasn't exactly set us alight and wii motion plus is a bit of a rip off. ANy avid Wii gamer will now have a wii wheel, zapper, other attachments and wii speak. All of which work with one maybe two games. Either way by now every Wii owner has four wiimotes. Why don't games do some more creative things with them? You want free ideas here's some: 1) FPS and on-rail shooters. So we've had Red Steel, House of the Dead Overkill and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. They were fun but why insist on pressing the d-pad to change weapon? Players should be able to map wiimotes 1-4 to different weapons. Want to change from pistol to shotgun? Just drop wiimote one and point wiimote 3 in a wii zapper at the screen. Voila! The shotgun pops up. It disappoints me that FPS on the Wii haven't done the popping up gun affect i

Horrid person

If you are here you have clicked on a horrible weblink. Whilst you are here, think about your mother and the thing you just clicked on. Would she be happy she raised you, her son/daughter, so you could click on some filthy filth filth. Of all the content on the internet, the greatest thoughts on the whole range of human activity and the best you can manage is looking up "Sonic Upskirt" or some such. Be ashamed. Be so ashamed or just go to deviant art.

Sacred 2: What the fucking fuck is wrong with you?

In my recent spat to play through as many Couch co-op games as I can get my hands on, I came across this little doosey: Never heard of it? Nah me neither. It seems to have gone completely under the radar. Hell I never heard of Sacred 1, but hey it was a PC only release, so why should we care?Anyways after scouring the internet for information regarding this title I found out a few things: it is essentially a Diablo clone, It has six "pre-rolled" classes And they are pretty funky actually: First we have the Seraphim, Some kinna Demi-gods with Pigtails and Kiss make up. Dryad: Cornrows and Areolaec Breats plate, She's apparently a long range fighter, using bows and blowguns, sexeh. High Elf: Ugh elves are everywhere, even in this game, scantily clad as he may be I guess she's kinna the glas cannon caster class. Inquisitor AKA Generic man in hood, looks caster-ish too. Undead Warrior dude with a twist of Roman about him which is nice consi

Little Big Planet and Spore revisited

So.... Spore. Guess we were right about that one then. Anyone still playing it? Anyone at all? No. Told you so. Little Big Planet. Team TGAM doesn't own a PS3 for a number of reasons, the one we most like to pretend is true is because we have standards. The real excuse is that the fucker is still too expensive and there still aren't anywhere near enough decent games to justify a purchase. Anyway, if we did have one I would probably get LBP because I like creating shit in games like gay little designs for Animal Crossing, Crap Levels in Timesplitters or Miis that look like Charles Darwin. We do have some friends (21 to be exact). And some of those friends own a PS3 (12) they aren't gamers in the classic sense. They are normal people with cars and houses and the like. They don't obsess over games or write 2 and a bit games blogs. Aside from dusty copies of Resistance they all own LBP and without exception: 1) Haven't even tried to make their own levels. So


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Noooooooooooooooooooooo

Because some things are worth re-posting

Taken from the folks over at Kotaku who we like to abuse, and also from our rival Thatgirls , who we are green with envy about getting onto Kotaku yet again. But on the upside a while back we did kill Day/Night note. You can thank us later. Enjoy the pic. We did. fourteen times and counting. Pika-ah-ah-ah-ah-chooooooooooooooooo Richie X

Abuse on Xbox Live
