
More on the Rotombrator

Bulbabpedia have now updated their site with the new Rotom Formes. So how long till the crazy Japanese actually create one of these... Luv n Hugz Richie XX

Wolverine Origins Nude Cheat

Yeah so the new game is pretty fucking cool. Essentially it is a 3rd person Hack n’ Slash, however there is a multitude of things that set this one aside from the regular crowd of movie tie-in trash games: 1. It is not a move tie-in. Yes it may have a few things in common with the movie, such as the likeness of many of the characters, but the plot seems to be its own entity. (This was because the game was in development before the movie was in production, good call from the guys at Raven) 2. The fighting is a new level of fun. We have all got a hack and slash game that we all love in our hearts, whether it is Devil May Cry or Kingdom hearts. Thankfully this game differs from the usual repetitive Hack and Slash action of other movie tie-ins or trash games, there is a great mix of skill and luck. Basically the action is not repetitive, the combos and the timing of the button pushes are really intuitive, allowing for different types of gameplay, e.g you can choose to counter or j

That Natal Video

So, Milo, where's you Mommy Milo? She's dead Milo. Died of the bad AIDS. You gonna cry? Oh you can't because you haven't been scripted to. Here's a picture of a wang Milo. Do you like it? Here's a picture of a swastika Milo. Do you like that? We're going to play a game now Milo. But you can't tell anyone about it.... Achievement Unlocked: Do a "Peter Molyneux".

The skinny one is feeling up the fatties bewbs.

Hideo Kojima updates site with cryptic message

Hideo "hasn't made a decent game for quite a while and won't be continuing Metal Gear series" has been updating the Kojima productions site with all kinds of bullshit. Scenic imagery, counters that countdown to more counters and other crap that has Kotaku and nobody else even remotely excited. Until this morning that is. At 4am this morning GMT the above image went up on the site. What does it mean?

The New Forms of Rotom

As you may know we are fans of the children game Pokemon. A new remake is out ensuring yet more millions of daktarin for Nintendo. This time around though Pokemon Platinum adds nothing new to the game series and the new edition is very very stingy with the introduction of a very generous no new pokemon. Yes, that's a fat zero. It appears that 'forms' are the new thing to get adults to part with money to please their children. So it's the same pokemon except they have slightly different sprite set. And Pokemon Platinum isn't short on delivering remakes of existing pokemon inside a whole game which is essentially a remake. Giratina and Shaymin now have two different forms (seriously does anyone even care about this. We don't and we're a semi-interested party). But Rotom get's a whopping six new forms to not care about! Originally pokemon used to be about mirroring the organisms we find in nature (as well as representing legends, myths, umm art forms and

Wii Play Tanks! has been doing my head in, I just want a gold medal but keep dying god it is so annoying I just want to beat it but can't.

Shit. Did it again .