Acid Rounds: Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (Wii U)

Acid rounds is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Richie: Oh another Animal Crossing game! I take it you are back to the island, lording it up as Mayor, collecting bugs, paying off your Mortgages, but this time with Amiibos? Cunzy1 1: No . Not even . I'll level with you. This is one of the worst games I ever played . Imagine an Animal Crossing themed Mario Party board game. Without the minigames. And one board. And you have to have an Animal Crossing amiibo figure (not cards) for each player. And instead of using a controller you tap amiibos. That is this game. Richie: Does this one address the disturbing relationship between the typically predator type animals and the more "prey" type animals i.e. How do Bianca the Tiger and Chief the Wolf maintain acceptable relationships with the plethora of herbivores which normally serve as food out there? Cunzy1 1: No . Richie: I mean the townsfolk and NPCs...