
Axillophiles go nuts.

Exposed armpits confirmed in Street Fighter X Tekken.

Dear Dragon Quest IX. We're Sorry

Nintendo are pushing DQIX so hard and via the various channels that we consume all things video games we run the risk of getting Dragon Quest indigestion. Both EDGE magazine and ONM have run DQ retrospectives and articles in addition to those horrid PROMOTIONAL FEATURES that look like NON-PROMOTIONAL OBJECTIVE FEATURES. There have also been a couple of DQIX videos on the Nintendo Channel and a number of prime-time TV spots. Even the bloody real-life newspapers were carrying reviews and previews on Sunday. There was no escaping it. And yes, we know how they all go. "DQ sold a bagillion copies in Japan". "Nobody is interested here". Except for the PS2 version. That was quite good. Yet, for all this rhetoric and the unanimous glowing reviews we aren't even going to bother buying it, here's why. Firstly, and least importantly, there just isn't the culture of ad-hoc multiplayer play here that there is in Japan. I lose count of the games that have these 'n

Streetfighter vs Tekken!

Following on from my  previous post , it seems that it might actually be happening! Oh yeah! Ryu and Jin Richie X

In Memorandum...

To those of use we lost 12 years ago to this day during that “incident” in that “mansion” just outside Raccoon city . To the brave souls of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha and Bravo teams we lost; May we never forget you! Love and dearly (re)departed fake specialist police teams, Richie X

Mission Failed

Hey readers. I messed up. Can someone tell me about this Dead Rising 2 website ?

"Namco vs Capcom" vs "Capcom vs Namco"

Holy shit bubbles! Rumours are circling the internet that there will be a Namco vs Capcom game AND a Capcom vs Namco game! Word of mouth is that Namco bandai will produce “Namco vs Capcom” using their Tekken 6 engine. And Capcom will produce “Capcom vs Namco” using the Streetfighter IV engine! Bad ass, if it were true, it all seems a pipe dream... to good to be true. But Fuck it... on to the wish list. Capcom is easy, we all know the Marvel vs Capcom series line up on the Capcom side, that’s fine. we love it. But Namco? Now that’s a toughie, their strongest mascots are probably the Tekken/Soul Calibur group... but whom else? Pac-Man: Not very likely methinks, a round yellow ball with a mouth... not the most complex button mapping to do... Mr Driller: Little guy in a pink suit that Drills underground, It’s doable, would like to see Megaman Vs Mr Driller. “Tales of” Series: Now admittedly I am pretty gay for Tales of Vesperia, I never played the other ones as they a

Gaming Achievements You Wish You Had

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Achievements (Trophies if you swing that way). In some respects I hate the fact they try and control the fun to the extent where I feel like I can't cut loose and just enjoy game anymore. I do however like to have something tangible now from a game upon completion, something that I can look back on and at a glance tell how much I got from the game , how long I spent and even to an extent how much i enjoyed the game. So when we did the  Painful Moments in Gaming  week it got me thinking about games from my past and how it would be nice to have a record of time spent on games from my childhood. So here is my top 10 list of games that I spent a lot of time on as a kid, each of which I'd love a record of achievement for and what I think I would have scored.. (I am aware that some of these games are available on XBLA)  #1 . Treasure Island Dizzy(C64): 970,  I was  robbed  of a perfect 1000 score... it still