
Dragon Steel

In past seasons we have gone back to a particular year and reviewed the happenings in games, and this season is no different! We take you back to the canonically 2014-style days of 2014

Desperate Singles

...are in your area now. This week we talk about those gamnes that remain standalone in their series, or ones that do deserve a sequel!

Deluxe Sleep

Season 4 Episode 9 Our theme this season is DS, choosing a subject around games with the letters D and S. This episode's "randomly" selected words are Deluxe and Sleep We chat the latest updates to Mario Kart Deluxe, Pokemon Sleep, some post-halloween horror games, such as Layers of Fear and Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed and House of the Dead: Remake

Diablo Scary

We talk some of the game we have been playing, including Diablo 4, Super Mario Odyssey and One Piece Odyssey

Halloween Special - Dunk4apples Spinechilling

In this episode we get spooky, we chat with an AI to for its creepiest redition of a Halloween poem (with video games in it)

St Ursula's Day

October 21st is St Ursula's Day, nary a day goes by where we dont think about the striking similarities between Saint Ursula and Video Games. Join us while we take you on pilgrimage to discuss the holiest of tenous links, chatting Saint Ursula herself and 11,000 video games.

Double Dragon Scarlet

Season 4 Episode 3 Our theme this season is DS, choosing a subject around games with the letters D and S. This episode is about Double Dragon and Scarlet We chat what we have been playing, Pokemon Scarlet, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise Of The Dragons, Mortal Kombat 1 and Cats hidden in paris, Cats hidden in Italy, Cats hidden in Bali