
No I'll Save Her, Then I'll Kill Her

I think this post is mostly filler

Flame Rounds: DLC Costumes

Flame rounds lets us fulfil our yearning passion to be Frank Skinner, taking on his role as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in Room 101 (but for Video Games).  Cunzy1 1:  Welcome back to flame rounds, where one of us picks something from gaming to confine to getting flames rounded out of video games and possibly existence. So far we've char grilled the Dreamcast but spared the exposed brains of Pokemon . Richie, what have you got for being flames roundsed this week?  Richie: This week I would like to address DLC content. We all understand that we live in a world where games are dissected, dismantled and portioned off to increase their value and longevity. And in most cases where a game offers me extra content, I would be happy to pay for visiting a new land, or a new campaign mode, or even a new character... But I feel sad when it is just aesthetic shit, the most archetypal example of this would be the "Horse Armour" of 360 yore. But this still happens today! Fightin

The Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 Nude Cheat

Surprisingly, we've managed to find a little Easter egg from Capcom in their latest survival horror game Resident Evil 2 . That's right sports fans, you can unlock a nude(ish) Claire. Here's how, accompanied by some artists reconstructions because we'll be damned if we can take screenshots. Them shits is too professional.  As Claire A scenario, ensure you keep on the original costume on, do not change to Noir/Eliza etc. Once you reach the police station, ensure you run into to the Toilets in the East Wing when attempting to get the notebook and press A by the toilet. After collecting the notebook proceed through the game to the boiler room WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE, we have not tried this with reloading saves, you will see the boarded up boiler room door, press A, 50 times (call back to the Rebecca Photo in RE2 on PS1) you will hear a faint dog bark. Return to the Weapon locker room without using any weapons. Put in locker code 105 and examine the locker. The sc

Acid Rounds: Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (Wii U)

Acid rounds is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Richie:  Oh another Animal Crossing game! I take it you are back to the island, lording it up as Mayor, collecting bugs, paying off your Mortgages, but this time with Amiibos? Cunzy1 1: No . Not even . I'll level with you. This is one of the worst games I ever played . Imagine an Animal Crossing themed Mario Party board game. Without the minigames. And one board. And you have to have an Animal Crossing amiibo figure (not cards) for each player. And instead of using a controller you tap amiibos. That is this game. Richie:  Does this one address the disturbing relationship between the typically predator type animals and the more "prey" type animals i.e. How do Bianca the Tiger and Chief the Wolf maintain acceptable relationships with the plethora of herbivores which normally serve as food out there? Cunzy1 1: No . Richie:  I mean the townsfolk and NPCs

That Devil May Cry 5 Cast In Full

It's no secret, we're huge fans of the Devil May Cry series and it feels like Devil May Cry 5 has somewhat snuck up on us as it's out in a number of weeks! Of course Dante will always be our #1 boi but it's great to see an expanding cast of increasingly androgenous characters. Thanks to a super legitimate leak from a guy we know whose Dad works at Nintendo, we've got early access to the full character list. Dante The OG gangsta. Fast quipping, pizza loving son of a Demon. He's like the teenage mutant ninja turtles all rolled into one. But edgier. Vergil For those of you who need more weab in their edgelords. Lady I mean, sure.   Nero Nero originally divided fans but is now a firm favourite thanks to the good combo. Trish Well. The Capcom cleavage won't bring itself will it? We can never take Trish seriously because in the UK it's a popular name for Dinner Ladies. V V is  non-binary trans and like, HATES his mother. Metal D

Flame Rounds: The Exeggcute With The Exposed Brain

Flame rounds lets us fulfil our yearning passion to be Frank Skinner, taking on his role as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in Room 101. We will be presenting a case for a particular Trope/Character/Item/UI element that pisses us off and then trying to justify whether this thing should go into room 101 (get flame rounded?) Richie: And following on from last Flame Rounds, round two is all Cunzy1 1's  Cunzy1 1 : Right this one might need a bit of explaining, I'd like to flames round (verb?) the grass and psychic Pokémon Exeggcute. Even if you've got only a passing familiarity with Pokémon you'll be aware that most of them are based on animals, plants, myths or household objects. Exeggcute is an egg cluster Pokémon made up of six egg-like creatures with faces. However, it's not just the whole clutch I want to flames round, specifically, it's the one which has a cracked shell. I don't like the way it's brain(?), yolk(?) is just exposed like that. F

New Game Crush

Forget floppy-titted snipers , drunken Northern lassies or monster-uddered purple-haired psycopaths  there's a new girl in town that everyone is talking about. Of course, I'm talking about 2015's Resident Evil Revelations 2 's Gina Foley. Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful? Unfortunately, Gina, who MAY OR MAY NOT be pig-faced, wetsuit-busting Rachel Foley's sister/cousin , SPOILERS FOR A  FOUR YEAR OLD GAME dies in the first minutes of Resident Evil Revelations 2 but that doesn't mean she can't be our game crush! Apparently Gina was a well respected member of definitely-not-another-secret-bioterrorism-front-group Terra Save working in human resources. Who knows, she may have interviewed Claire Redfield?! Or at least emailed her reminders about the procedures for calling in sick. Even though she's dead she kicks some serious ass in Raid Mode. No mean feat in heels and a work skirt. We'll always love you Gina*! Even with a bl