The epicest clash ever: B-roll

Over at that other filthy site I sometimes write for I have a new article up about what would happen if Jesus, Charles Darwin, Adolf Hitler and Albert Wesker went head to head in bloody battle played some gentlemenly sports against each other.

Something is wrong with the writing because at least three people have asked about the scores after the golf game. I say to ye, read the text carefully.

Anyway as a special little gift to the TGAM faithful, here's the footage for the rounds that didn't make the final cut:

Adolf and Darwin go head to head in the dress up as a cowboy and catch a slippery grumpig competition. The winner was the one who identified the 'real pretty mouth first'.

Grumpig not Jynx!
Darwin doing pretty bady in the chat up a bitch round.

HAr har a female dog is also called a bitch. Actually Portia is a massive bitch.

There was also the hide the sausage round but that's a post for a slow news day y'know? Bonus features!


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